Everything about a student at your fingertips.
Moss Vale High School uses Sentral in our daily management and organisation.
Sentral provides easy communication and engagement between staff as well as between parents and the schools via the Sentral Parent Portal & app.
Parents are required to register an account with Sentral in order to allow them access to the parent portal.
Year 7 parents receive a letter during the first weeks of school allowing them to register with Sentral.
If your child is a new enrolment or if you have lost the registration code you can contact the school to receive a new one.
Parent app
The Sentral for Parents app allows you to monitor your child’s school journey simply and efficiently. You will find numerous smart features that help streamline your day. The Sentral for Parents app helps you stay connected and informed about your child’s education.
Parent Portal
The Sentral Parent Portal provides a comprehensive online environment for parents to keep in touch with their children’s life at school. It is the backbone of the Sentral for Parents app providing both a desktop and fully mobile solution.
Parents can log in to access their child's report, attendance information and wellbeing details as well as updating family contact details.
Student Portal
Sentral's Student Portal is a one-stop shop for everything your student community need. Using their current individual login for the school network, students can access their timetable, assessment marks, attendance history and reports from anywhere at any time.