Moss Vale High School

Safe, Respectful and Responsible Learners

Telephone02 4868 1717

Religion and ethics

Special Religious Education (SRE) at Moss Vale High School

During enrolment, you can choose a special religious education option for your child from the school’s available approved providers.

At Moss Vale High School each Year 7 and 8 class has one SRE lesson per fortnight as part of their regular timetable. Students engage in a variety of different learning activities to explore and develop their own spirituality and worldview.

The SRE curriculum is authorised by the Anglican Diocese of Sydney and at Moss Vale High the Think Faith curriculum is used. The Think Faith curriculum (Stages 4 – 6) is based on the Good News about Jesus Christ and learning about the key elements of Christian life and culture.  SRE engages students in conversations as they ask questions about life, explore values and discover faith.

The Think Faith curriculum scope and sequence document can be found here.

At Moss Vale High, SRE is taught by approved SRE teachers representing all denominations associated with the local SRE Board.  The Southern Highlands Christian Education Association (SHCEA) represents twenty two local churches from ten different denominations and teaches both Protestant and Catholic students.

All SRE Teachers must have WWCC clearance, SRE Teacher Training, Denominational Approval from a DET recognised SRE Provider and be cross authorised by all participating churches associated with the local employing SRE Board. 

If your child would like to attend religious education please print and fill out the attached form and return to Moss Vale High School front office. 

MVHS SRE Participation letter

Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, sometimes known as scripture. For more information, visit Religion and ethics.