Moss Vale High School

Safe, Respectful and Responsible Learners

Telephone02 4868 1717

Year Advisers / Learning & Support

Moss Vale High has a very strong No Bully policy including a strong stance on racism and homophobia. We are inclusive and caring to all and promote the importance of community and belonging.

Any student who is experiencing difficulties at school should firstly speak with their Year Adviser. Parents are also encouraged to speak to their child's Year adviser.

2024 Year Advisers:

  • Year 7:     Kate Regan    
  • Year 8:     Brittany Carr
  • Year 9:     Seam Crombie      
  • Year 10:    Debby Middleton                          
  • Year 11:    Alex Sandland   
  • Year 12:    Alex Miller

2024 Head Teacher:

  • Year 7:     Yianni Vasilakis
  • Year 8:     Jemima Finlayson
  • Year 9:     Matthew Lee
  • Year 10:    Ashlee Randall
  • Year 11:    Sharlene Killian
  • Year 12:   Megan Youman/Luke Vandenbergh

Learning & Support

Moss Vale High School is committed to supporting the learning needs of all students.  These needs are met through the delivery of quality teaching by all of our teaching staff.  For those students requiring additional support, the Learning and Wellbeing team consult on the most appropriate resources in the school to provide that support. Primarily, this involves referral to Learning and Support. Referrals can be made by parents, teachers or students.